After giving up my breakfast smoothies for over a year, I began to toy with the idea of starting up again. I wanted to incorporate more greens into my diet, and while visiting my son, Brandon, he let me try his concoction. It contained fresh spinach and berries. I was hooked!
I had quit having smoothies for various reasons, including the fact that my old blender gave out on me. Because I used it so much, I decided it was time to invest in a Vitamix. Now, granted, they are expensive, but what sold me was a comment by a Vitamix owner saying they never regretted the purchase and it was a great investment for their health. This made sense to me.
Spinach was now added to my grocery list. I don't eat much for salads, so this was a great way to eat more greens. I placed a couple handfuls of spinach in my Vitamix and added a half banana and a quarter apple, along with my coconut milk. It was amazingly delicious and the perfect amount!
Now the problem was by the end of the week, my spinach was going bad.
Solve one problem and another one comes up. Frustrating!
I almost gave up on spinach in my smoothies, but as I thought more on it, I wondered why you couldn't just throw the spinach leaves in the freezer like the berries, until you needed them ~ but in individual baggies! Maybe even add my blueberries and/or strawberries into the baggies for ease of use since mornings are hectic enough getting ready for work.
So there you have it! I threw a handful of spinach, a handful of blueberries, and a strawberry in each baggy and placed them in the freezer.
Now all I have to do is add my liquids and anything else I choose for a new kick, and I'm all set!
The best one I've tried so far is to use a little chocolate almond milk, a little coconut milk, a handful of frozen blueberries, one banana, fill the remainder of the blender with spinach and blend!
A couple things I've found after using these individual smoothie packets a couple times:
- It requires a little more liquid to help blend the frozen ingredients.
- The drink is definitely a "chilled" drink. This is something I was trying to eliminate but seems unavoidable when half of the ingredients are frozen to start with.
- I prefer the taste of the fresh spinach smoothie over the chilled spinach smoothie.
- When the package is thawed slightly, you can add the same amount of milk as before, and the taste is superb! Just remember to take it out about 15 minutes before using.
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