Sunday, August 20, 2017

Landscaping Cleanup

It's amazing what some hard work and effort will do in improving the appearance of your foundation.

Yesterday we spent most of the day pulling weeds, trimming bushes, transplanting hostas and removing a thorny bush in preparation of putting in a sidewalk. 

Below is a before photo of the back of the house.

And an after photo all trimmed and weeded. It was a struggle removing the quackgrass from between the plants, but well worth the effort.

The quackgrass had taken over in the front of the porch and my husband got his revenge with a bottle of Roundup a few weeks ago. I pulled as much as I could from the rock (wearing a pair of gloves).

The bush on the left had lots of thorns and was painful getting near it because of them. We decided it needed to go. We had one on each side of the steps but the other had previously died.

So glad to have that bush gone! It's still up for debate whether we stick with the rock or remove it for flowers.

We took the hosta next to the bush and part of one from the other side of the steps and replanted them around the two hydrangeas we planted last spring.

The bushes were trimmed way back. Our next step is to add a sidewalk. You may already notice the old partial sidewalk removed as we began prepping for the new one.

Lots of hard work done. Lots to come. Stay tuned.

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