Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Extreme Weather

While at work yesterday a co-worker commented that a tornado was spotted north of a local town I pass through on my drive to work. Not more than a few minutes later, my husband called to inform me that he was experiencing weather with marble-sized hail, a considerable temperature drop, and extreme winds. He insisted I make my way home immediately before the blizzard forecast hit our area. I was convinced.

I zipped up my winter coat expecting the temperatures to be around 30 degrees. Once in the car, I became overwhelmed by the heat and removed the coat. I peaked at the thermometer on my vehicle's dash and read 65 degrees. Whoa! The sun was shining and it was beautiful outside. Hard to believe my home, a mere 40 miles away, was enduring different weather conditions.

During my trek home, I witnessed the temperature drop 36 degrees. The view became more hazy as I ventured home through high winds. I pulled up along side the mailbox to retrieve the mail for the day only to find it sealed shut with a layer of ice. My husband previously claimed its possessions.

Once I was safely nestled inside the house, the wind picked up even more and eventually the snow began to fall. Actually, it was more of a sleet from the sound of it hitting the windows. A few hours later we were in a full-blown snowstorm.

There was indeed a tornado that touched down near a neighboring town. It destroyed a few buildings, but thankfully, I did not hear of any injuries. Within just a few hours, we experienced a tornado and a blizzard. Only in Minnesota.

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