"Hoping to get my license ... soon I'll be a real boy!!!"
Doesn't it look as though our dog could really drive?! Vinny was adopted into our family from a local humane society. My daughter, Keisha, and I picked him out of a photo line up from their webpage. Although he looked a bit unkempt, we were looking for a small-sized dog and he seemed to fit the bill. He is a cross of Yorkshire Terrier and Maltese.
Soon after his arrival home, Vinny became part of our family. Keisha taught him to perform a few tricks. She also successfully videotaped him with a voice-over for a class project, receiving an A.
Vinny has certainly brought some excitement to our home and since he will always stay puppy sized, he's the epitome of forever cuteness. Spoiled like a child! For this reason, I tease, "He wants to become a real boy, just like Pinocchio!!"
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