Friday, April 25, 2014

Driving Mr. Vinny

"Hoping to get my license ... soon I'll be a real boy!!!"

Doesn't it look as though our dog could really drive?! Vinny was adopted into our family from a local humane society. My daughter, Keisha, and I picked him out of a photo line up from their webpage. Although he looked a bit unkempt, we were looking for a small-sized dog and he seemed to fit the bill. He is a cross of Yorkshire Terrier and Maltese.

Soon after his arrival home, Vinny became part of our family. Keisha taught him to perform a few tricks. She also successfully videotaped him with a voice-over for a class project, receiving an A.

Vinny has certainly brought some excitement to our home and since he will always stay puppy sized, he's the epitome of forever cuteness. Spoiled like a child! For this reason, I tease, "He wants to become a real boy, just like Pinocchio!!"

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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Jesus, Our Savior

Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.
~ Luke 22:42 KJV

Have you ever been upset with God when you felt He didn't answer your prayers? How about when He didn't answer them the way you wanted Him to? Or maybe even when He answered them with "No."? I'm sure we've all been guilty of that at one time or another.

As I read my Bible one morning and contemplated unanswered prayers, God reminded me that Jesus prayed, "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me."

We all know that Jesus went through crucifixion on the cross and that means God answered His prayer with "No." This really struck me! Because of Jesus' prayer not being answered with a "yes," I have been redeemed!!

God seen the bigger picture when He said, "No." God truly does have our best interests in mind when He sometimes answers our prayers with "no." We just have to wait to see the bigger picture.

Disclosure: The Excalibur Dehydrator link under "Other Sites" is an affiliated link. If you make a purchase using this link ~ you will receive free shipping, along with other specials. I also earn a small percentage to help support my blog. Thank you, your support is appreciated!!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

A Short Photo Shoot

One hot and humid evening my husband, daughter and I ventured to our local town for ice cream treats. On our return home, we caught sight of this snapping turtle alongside the gravel road. Seconds after parking the vehicle, Keisha and I dashed out the door with the camera, hoping to get a few good shots before the clouds broke loose with rain.

After taking a few quick shots, I reluctantly relinquished the camera over to Keisha, who bent down to an eye-level shot of the turtle. Since Keisha had been my instructor on our photo shoots, I objected, "Hey, you didn't tell me to get down like that and take them that way!! I want to try that; give me the camera!!"

She retorted, "You had your chance!!!" At the same moment, the clouds began depositing huge drops of rainfall on us. My daughter barely commenced taking her photos, glanced my way, and formed a quizzical expression on her face. She asked, "Mom, what's going on with your hair?!? It's standing straight up!!" Then she added, "We have to get back to the house now; that's the first sign of lightning!!"

We raced back to the house to safety bringing our photo session to an abrupt end. 

Disclosure: The Excalibur Dehydrator link under "Other Sites" is an affiliated link. If you make a purchase using this link ~ you will receive free shipping, along with other specials. I also earn a small percentage to help support my blog. Thank you, your support is appreciated!!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Singing the Lord's Praises

Sing the praises of the Lord, you his faithful people; praise his holy name.
~ Psalm 30:4 NIV

That's the impression these young hungry robins gave while thrusting their gaping beaks heavenward.
Taken in our back yard the summer of 2013.

Disclosure: The Excalibur Dehydrator link under "Other Sites" is an affiliated link. If you make a purchase using this link ~ you will receive free shipping, along with other specials. I also earn a small percentage to help support my blog. Thank you, your support is appreciated!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Extreme Weather

While at work yesterday a co-worker commented that a tornado was spotted north of a local town I pass through on my drive to work. Not more than a few minutes later, my husband called to inform me that he was experiencing weather with marble-sized hail, a considerable temperature drop, and extreme winds. He insisted I make my way home immediately before the blizzard forecast hit our area. I was convinced.

I zipped up my winter coat expecting the temperatures to be around 30 degrees. Once in the car, I became overwhelmed by the heat and removed the coat. I peaked at the thermometer on my vehicle's dash and read 65 degrees. Whoa! The sun was shining and it was beautiful outside. Hard to believe my home, a mere 40 miles away, was enduring different weather conditions.

During my trek home, I witnessed the temperature drop 36 degrees. The view became more hazy as I ventured home through high winds. I pulled up along side the mailbox to retrieve the mail for the day only to find it sealed shut with a layer of ice. My husband previously claimed its possessions.

Once I was safely nestled inside the house, the wind picked up even more and eventually the snow began to fall. Actually, it was more of a sleet from the sound of it hitting the windows. A few hours later we were in a full-blown snowstorm.

There was indeed a tornado that touched down near a neighboring town. It destroyed a few buildings, but thankfully, I did not hear of any injuries. Within just a few hours, we experienced a tornado and a blizzard. Only in Minnesota.

Disclosure: The Excalibur Dehydrator link under "Other Sites" is an affiliated link. If you make a purchase using this link ~ you will receive free shipping, along with other specials. I also earn a small percentage to help support my blog. Thank you, your support is appreciated!!