For many years I have known the effect of society's busyness on the well being of a family. For instance, since the majority of women have begun working outside the home, taking their children to day cares, family life has become chaotic. Always busy going; always busy doing. Eventually, you become "too busy".
I've always felt busyness was a major plan of Satan. And oh! what a great job he is doing.
Hear me out. What happens when you have more to do in one day than is humanly possible to do? At first, you believe you're superman or superwoman. You can do it all! You'll just put in more time, stay up later, work your weekends even. Your children are growing, you become busier, running more than ever before.
When you are over tired and rushed, you become anxious, nervous and stressed. You may even be irritated, angry or hostile. Who do you take things out on? You can't do it at work or you may lose your job. Usually, you take it out on people who are the closest to you; your loved ones. Why? You don't want to and you don't try to, but you need to vent or release your frustrations. Sometimes you just get to the breaking point and "lose it". And loved ones will always be there, so it's safe. Or is it?
Why is the divorce rate at an all-time high? Many couples don't even bother to marry; they just move in together. If they've changed their minds about the other person when they haven't committed themselves to each other in marriage, it's easier to move out and move on with their lives. But what happens when there's a child involved?
Most days when you're overwhelmed, you either give up taking care of your household duties, or you try to do more in less time to "get it all done". Maybe you start eliminating things that no longer seem as important, or things that can wait until tomorrow. The dishes start to fall behind, the cleaning never gets done. Couples start to argue because they're exhausted and want the spouse to do more because they themselves are unable to.
Basically, you lose your peace. Peace is from God. Which brings me to my next point.
Recently I questioned why there are so many more atheists with each new generation; more so than ever before. And I believe it is a result of the breakdown of the family, another ploy of the devil's.
Remember when I said you start eliminating things from your daily schedule that no longer seem important, or that can wait? I believe one of those "things" is teaching the Christian faith to our children. How many times do parents drop their children off at church, but don't attend themselves? Or religion is taught at church, but not in the home or not at all? Ever pray with your family? Or have a Bible study?
This has been weighing on my heart for too long. You can raise great children, but if they have no belief in God and His Divine Son what good does it do their souls?
The Bible says, "Only be careful and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them. Remember the day you stood before the Lord your God at Horeb, when he said to me, 'Assemble the people before me to hear my words so that they may learn to revere me as long as they live in the land and may teach them to their children.'" Deuteronomy 4:9-10. And in Deuteronomy 11:19, "Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."
Have we done what God has instructed us to do with our young ones? I always wish I would have done more with my children. The good news is that we can pray for our children as often as we'd like so that they turn their hearts to God.
Maybe you've already raised your children in the Christian faith and are still praying for them. I commend you for this; a wonderful blessing for you and for them! But what about all the people that have never learned of Christ or have no one to pray for them? Will you please join me in prayer for those people.
"Dear Lord, I bind and tear off every veil used to hunt souls and I command the souls that are hunted by the enemy to be let go. Lord, please rule and reign over Your children. Let the fire of Your presence be released into their lives so that they may come to know, love and serve You. Baptize each and every one of them with the Holy Spirit. Let their Christian faith grow exceedingly. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen."
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