Sunday, July 26, 2015

Hummingbird Feeder Recipe

Wow! Would you just look at that! It is simply incredible that I was even able to get this shot! I admit that sometimes I get excited over the littlest things. 

Hummingbirds are one of my favorite birds and what follows is how I came about taking this photo.

Last year I had a couple hummingbird feeders that I really liked and somehow they both disappeared. I looked around at different retail stores and really didn't care for the newer models. I finally came across the one pictured in my photos. And the price was right, too. $.99!

Since the feeder went up, it seemed that the water level would go down, but I would never witness the little critters that were enjoying the sugar water I provided. This morning I had frequently checked my new, one-cup size hummingbird feeder and noticed it continually going down. I removed it from the hook to refill it.

Where the bubbles start in the photo below is where the water level was the first time I looked this morning. The birds were hungry!

First I put 1/4 cup of water in the microwave for about 40 seconds to get it really hot.

 Then I added 1/4 cup of sugar and stirred until the sugar was dissolved.

Next I added two ice cubes to cool the water down.

I stirred until the ice cubes were fully melted and added enough water to equal a full cup.

I poured the water into the feeder and placed it back on the hook. As I was doing this, I heard the loud hum of a hummingbird fly close by. I figured I scared her away.

I decided to wait a couple minutes just in case. I stood by the door a little away in hopes she would return for a drink.

I was surprised that she did indeed approach the feeder with me still standing near. I zoomed in and got a failed attempt at her.

Then I was blessed with a couple more shots before she took off!

I am actually sitting out on the porch typing this up and was given another opportunity of hummingbird photos. Because, she's baaaack!

This time I had my Canon and took several shots. Not sure what I got yet but I am tickled to get any!

What a grand ole summer day! Enjoy yours!

Hummingbird Feeder Recipe:

1/4 cup of sugar
2 ice cubes
1/4 cup of water + enough to equal 1 cup

Microwave 1/4 cup of water in a glass measuring cup for 30-40 seconds or until very hot. Remove and add 1/4 cup of sugar. Stir until sugar is dissolved. Add two ice cubes and stir until ice cubes are melted. Add enough water to equal one cup. Stir and place in hummingbird feeder. Double recipe for a larger feeder.

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